昨年4月にルーマニアで子供向け活動のインストラクターをしているアマチュア無線家から私が製作、頒布しているWVU-604F FT8トランシーバーの購入要望があり、少ないですが支援する意味で1台トランシーバーを寄贈させて頂きました。




Dear friend Tadashi, greetings from Romania.
I don't know if you still remember that you helped us and offered a WVU 604F for the children's club where I work as a volunteer instructor. We thank you once again for your availability and since we received it until a few weeks ago we have had countless POTA and YOFF activations with our children, having countless satisfactions. In general, we worked in 14 Mhz FT8 with a tablet and FT8CN and an inverted V antenna. This year, the number of children at our club has increased and we would like to diversify our activities and, seeing that you have succeeded in a 1 W power version exit, we would like to buy one. Please tell us how much this 1 W variant costs in dollars, without LPFs, we will transfer the money to you then...we are waiting to receive the miracle from you. We wish you much success in everything you do, health and happiness. 73 by Mihai and the children.